Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sappy Mother's Day Post

Today America celebrates the most wonderful women in our lives, our Mothers. 

My mother is a particularly amazing one. This lady has dreams of her own, and she installed in each of her children the desire to follow our own dreams. She raised us to be independent and free thinking in a small, conservative town. With her guidance, each of us went off to college, then to graduate school (one of us farther than others) following our hearts to do what we want with our lives. From being professional wake boarders, playing a band or running the high school student government, she was there to offer guidance and opinions. Not that she didn't let her own thoughts out. If she thinks we're wrong about something, she lets us know immediately. When I decided to take this journey to the CZ, she was my number one supporter.

Mama is grace under pressure, with a strong heart surrounded by a soft hug, a true Southern lady. The smartest person you'll ever meet, even though she won't take the Jeopardy try out.  With a love for jewelry, fine furnishing and a designers eye, where ever she is, is our home. She is the rock that we stand on and the support we need to face our futures. 

Without her, my family would be nothing.


Mama being an Alabama traitor, wearing Gator colors with me and Val

New Years

A recreation of an old birthday picture.

If you ever despair of our actions...

...just remember you raised us!


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Birthday in Brno!

Renee, Alex, Me, Val, Tonje

We officially celebrated my birthday a few weeks ago, when Val and Alex were in Brno visiting. It was a party we'll never forget.

At 12:01

Birthday Breakfast with Tonje. That was a glass of "fresh squeezed orange juice" that was nothing like Florida OJ.

Birthday ice cream in the center

After I saw Tonje off to Amsterdam to visit her sister, I did a little birthday shopping and went and saw The Avengers by myself. I ended the day with some takeout and a new book.

It was a wonderful way to spend my birthday and I appreciate all the good wishes!

Can't wait to see what 23 brings me!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Taking a break from writing a huge paper to tell everyone how much fun I had when Val and Alex visited me. I'll upload some more photos soon. As you can see, we were well behaved and fully embraced the culture of Vienna. Here we are in the Imperial Apartments, acting our age and making Mama proud of us.

Only a month left of my second semester here. The weather is beautiful so of course I'll be stuck inside studying. See everyone soon!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring was here...

...for a few days. Then it got cold again. I saw snow flurries on Easter Morning!

I'm ready for warmth and sunshine, but unfortunately I didn't bring any clothing meant for warm weather. So we'll see how that goes.

I hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine and nice temperatures in Florida!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Meet Rex!

Rex is my parent's newest addition.

After I left for college in 2007, my parents were faced with a big house with only one small dog and 2 cats to fill it (a tragic case of empty-nest syndrome that I diagnosed them with) and they got another dog to fill the void.

Luca and me breaking the rules

Luca was the most intelligent and loving German Shepherd my parents have ever had. His ability to understand us was unmatched by any other dog. He doted on Dolly, my parent's Boston Terrier, and his lady, Sela. He loved nothing more than to be with you. I remember once I was cleaning the cabinets in the kitchen and all he wanted to do was sit on my lap and get attention. Where ever you were, he was there. Luca was fearless, unfazed by loud noises and strange people. He didn't like other dogs but he loved people. And he was so protective of everyone around him. Once I was on the dock with just the dogs in the middle of the day, laying out, enjoying the sun, when a strange boat pulled up. Luca could sense my apprehension of the strangers and immediately came next to me, hackles raised. With his scary presence by my side, I was able to get those strange men to leave me alone.

Unfortunately, we were only able to spend 4 short years with him. He left us to go join Dolly and Abagail in pet heaven, where we will see them again.

Luca, Dolly and Abagail

Now we have a new puppy to love on.

We'll always remember Luca, Dolly, Abagail, Duke, Queenie, Liesel, Lady, Barron, Bodo and those that came before.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Sunshine and Ice Cream!

St Patrick's Day was a beautiful, warm, early Spring day. Tonje and I celebrated by walking to the center to get some ice cream.
Blackberry and Mango Sorbet

Brno Lake

Then we joined some friends out at Brno Lake. A nice afternoon of laying in the sun, snacking on fruit and reading out of magazines. I can't wait for more beautiful Spring days!

Spring has come to Brno!

Such a difference a couple of weeks make!

Beginning of March in the Botanical Gardens


Spring is here and bringing with it Sunshine and Warmth!